Optimizing User Experience: A Case Study on Achieving 17% Higher Engagement and 5% Increased Sales in Dell Product Sections

Quick Overview





Dell.com Premier is a leading B2B ecommerce platform, offering a wide range of IT solutions and products to businesses worldwide. The website has a legacy platform that has been functional for several years, and users have expressed satisfaction with its performance. However, the business leadership at Dell is keen on giving the website a fresh, modern look and feel to align with evolving industry standards and user expectations. As a User Experience (UX) Designer, the challenge is to create a new homepage design that not only satisfies the business’s desire for a new look but also ensures that users continue to have a positive and user-friendly experience.

Problem Statement

The primary problem at hand is to redesign the Dell.com B2B ecommerce website homepage to achieve a harmonious balance between meeting the business’s objectives for a new visual identity and ensuring that users remain content with the platform’s usability.


  1. Develop a homepage redesign that incorporates a fresh, modern look and feel while preserving the elements of the existing design that users appreciate.

  2. Improve the user experience by enhancing the website’s usability, accessibility, and overall user-friendliness.

  3. Ensure the new design remains responsive and consistent across different devices and platforms.

  4. Maintain and strengthen Dell’s brand identity throughout the homepage design.

The Process

We follow a Double diamond (discover and framing) process in our product design

Design Process

Stakeholder Mapping

Market Research

When I started to gather existing market research for similar industries, I found some alarming facts about the B2B e-commerce industry. Which made us even more serious about our exploration and research.

User Persona

User Journey Map

Competitive Analysis

After gathering the research data, we wanted to understand who are all performing better in this industry and what are their strengths and weakness and also wanted to understand what they are doing differently from others, and what each company is doing better.

Key Findings

  • Special categories placed on top (Before Main Navigation Bar) – Lenovo, HP, Asus, Acer, Logitech, Huawei, Cisco
  • Friendly Brand Voice – HP, Apple, Logitech, WeWork
  • Creative Vibrant Images – Apple, WeWork
  • Minimalistic – Apple, Google
  • Info Flow – Apple, Google
  • Dropdown product display – Asus, Oracle, SAP
  • Separate business offerings for different industries – Samsung, Microsoft
  • Accordion/Collapsible style articles – Samsung, HPE, Cisco, Asana
  • Neat Zig Zag Layout – Cisco, Google, Olumo
  • Illustration – Google, Alibaba, Olumo, WeWork
  • Easy navigation to B2B – Asus, Amazon, Alibaba
  • Neat Grid Layout – Apple, Samsung, Netapp
  • Card Interface – Alibaba, WeWork
  • Parallax Effect – Olumo, Asana
  • Interactive Components in Homepage – Asana, WeWork
  • CTA buttons are well positioned – Olumo, Asana
  • Interesting info hierarchy – Huawei, WeWork
  • Big headlines
  • Simple Navigation Bar

Quantitative Research

Conducted a survey to understand the preferences of businesses in the Dell Premier users regarding the essential elements they expect to see on homepage. 

Survey Methodology:

  • Sample Size: 157 respondents
  • Survey Duration: 1 month
  • Geographical Distribution: America, Europe, Asia-Pacific
Intuitive Navigation
Quick Access to Support
Customization and Quoting Tools
Order Status

Qualitative Research

User Feedback

Because we dont have direct user interaction on regular basis, I have to depend on the customer feedback which we receive through Voice of Customer, which is a feedback form built in to the portal. I collected user feedback from our VOCAAS (Voice of the customer) and Analyzed the feedback from users

User Interview

Problem Prioritization

Once we have gathered all the pain points from stakeholders, and users and also by analyzing the data, we came up with a few problem statements. Since our plan was not to solve all the problems at a time, we prioritized the problems.

How Might We Statement

How might we help users find frequently purchased Dell Products

How might we show users relevant information about quotes

How might we show users relevant information about order status

How might we show standard configuration product EOL reminders

How might we help user to get the most used relevant information on the homepage


Once we have the prioritized problem, the entire team became creative. As a facilitator, I asked all the participants to create 8 quick design ideas to solve the problems within 5 mins. Then ask them to select the best from the 8 and detail the design and present everyone will dot vote for the best designs


After Redesign

User Testing

Unmoderated user testing

Conducted unmoderated user testing on the new design using usertesting.com. Since we were not able to recruit actual users, we have make use of usertesting.com platform to conduct the user testing.



users mentioned new product category made navigation 4X easier

15 of 18

users expressed that the design is Compelling and Nice


Users mentioned the new design take less effort to get what they are looking for


Mentioned showing overview will reduce effort of going to different pages

Some of the verbatim from the user testing

Cleaner, more concise, easy to understand

More information at once makes it better to quickly understand the highlights

The categories are really nicely organized, the font style and sizes are easy to read, categories at the top are outstanding.

AB Testing

Post user testing on the design we identified some of the technical difficulties in the implementing order status. This made us to redesign the design a bit and we did AB testing. Following is the result from AB testing.


Engagement on the newly added sections.


Increase on the shop Dell product section


Decrease in bounce rate

Thinking beyond

  1. Improved Accessibility: Voice-based navigation makes websites more accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those with visual impairments or motor disabilities. It allows users to navigate and interact with the website using their voice, eliminating the need for a mouse or keyboard.

  2. Enhanced User Experience: Voice navigation can provide a more natural and intuitive way for users to interact with a website. Users can simply speak commands or questions, making it easier to find information, access features, and perform tasks on the site.

  3. Efficient and Hands-Free: Voice navigation can be faster and more efficient than traditional point-and-click methods. Users can quickly jump to specific sections or pages on the website without the need to scroll or click through menus. It’s also hands-free, which can be especially useful in situations where users have their hands occupied (e.g., cooking, driving).

  4. Multilingual Support: Voice-based navigation can offer multilingual support, allowing users to interact with the website in their preferred language. This can be a significant advantage for websites with an international audience.

  5. Personalization: Voice assistants can use natural language processing and machine learning to understand user preferences and behavior. This enables websites to offer personalized recommendations, content, and experiences based on the user’s voice interactions and history, creating a more tailored and engaging user experience.

Design delivery

Final designs will be delivered with detailed engineering and marketing guidelines.